Axe-Throwing League
League Sign-Up & Information
Axe Throwing League Sign-Up Form

Axe Throwing League Information
Regular League:
- 3 matches each week
- 15 throws per match
- You can throw for the clutch every 5 throws but you must call it
- Throw from the 14ft line or 12ft line. No thrower can cross the 12ft line.
- Switch targets every 5 throws, last switch is picked by the thrower in the lead
- Ranked by total points and seeded that way in tournament
- Single elimination in tournament, final two is best out of 3
- Trophies for Champion of tournament, most bulls, most clutches and highest ranked
- This league is for newcomers and those fine tuning their throwing skills
The cost of the league is $125.00 plus tax.
This includes:
- 6 weeks of play, week 7 tournament
- Two practice sessions a week
- You can use your own axe
- 20% off everything Battle Axes for the duration of the league